

  • Recently started to adopt a village (Errapenta) near Srisailam, helping the villagers and tribal areas near by with dresses, uniforms, sewing machines, nutritious food, helping the villagers avoiding liquor and getting into natural and organic farming.
  • Our 10th Class Results have been released and as usual (from the last 16 years), there was no single failure student from NICE so far. Thanks to all the teachers, supporters and well wishers. 
  • Every financial year, we have been releasing our annual audit report in the first month of April itself from the last 20 years
  • NICE Published as a story in Brainfeed Magazine Oct, 2022. Look at Pages 40 and 41.
  • All this has been accomplished by P Purnachandra Rao (single person) effort from the last 20 year

NICE School (Purnachander Rao) has adopted Yerrapenta village for complete transformation of village in sustainable farming, nutritious food, health, clothing and getting rid of alcohol consumption:
  1. Have been supporting the village since 1 year, organised several health camps with supply of medicines
  2. Provided clothing to the needy
  3. Provided food (basic grocery)
  4. Organised camps for organic farming
  5. Made the villagers aware of self sustainability and hygiene cleanliness\

Results after one year are clearly visible:

  1. Villagers going to doctor got reduced (with good health)
  2. Villagers consumption have drastically reduced
  3. Villagers got into organic farming and are producing more nutritious food for themselves and living sustainably

Annual Report of 2023-24 released on 30 Apr 2024. Thank you all for your generous support and contributions.

Our 10th Class Results have been released and as usual (from the last 16 years), there was no single failure student from NICE so far. Thanks to all the teachers, supporters and well wishers. 

Our Annual Report for 2020-21 is ready and published on (05 Jul 2021) despite the Corona pandemic.

We usually release our Annual Report by the end of April every year, but this time we could release in July. Please find the report attached (link to the Google Drive share) at: 

NICE (Needy Illiterate Children Education) was formed in May 2002 and registered with the "Office of the Registrar of Societies, Rangareddy District - Hyderabad' as a Society under the "Societies Registration Act 2001'. (Regn. No. 595 of 2002).

The objective of NICE is to liberate and educate children subjected to child labor, bonded labor in technical and vocational training so as to enable the child to start working as an apprentice soon after he reaches 18 yrs of age.

As a part of this effort NICE established a FULLY FREE residential school and CBSE affiliated to these children. The aim of NICE is to provide Food, Shelter, Health and Career path for these children. NICE is the only CBSE school, working as Non Profit and Charitable Organization running in a rural place. There are presently 140 boys and 60 girls residing and studying in NICE.

About Purnachander Rao's initiative and adopting Yerrapenta tribal village

About Purnachander Rao and NICE in BBC News in Telugu

About Purnachander Rao and NICE in ETV News